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ISVnews Contact Information

 You may contact the ISVnews via any number of the following methods. Also
 please understand that this is a FREE venture so we are not available 24hrs
 for voice conversation!

 The ISVnews
 c/o AppVision Software
 3388 Brittan Avenue, Suite 2
 San Carlos, CA 94070

   Internet :    mark.lussier@filebank.cts.com
 Compuserve :    Mark Lussier 76020,3654

 We can also be reached via AT&T and MCI Mail as well as America Online by
 way of there Internet Connections.

 Or address a note to Mark Lussier in the Clipper Conferences of the Rime,
 Smartnet, Intelec, Ilink and FIDOnet Networks. Additionaly the Database
 conferences of the same mail networks.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson